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Writer's pictureLeigh Kubin

Releasing Resistance: Remembering Who You Truly Are and What You Came Here to Do

At some point in life, we all feel that inner tug of resistance. It shows up as fear, doubt, procrastination, or even self-sabotage. It’s the voice that says, *“You can’t,”* when deep down, you know that you *can*. So why do we resist stepping into our power, embracing our truth, and living out our purpose?

The answer often lies in the disconnect between who we *think* we are and who we *truly* are.

What Is Resistance, Really?

Resistance is that internal barrier that keeps us from aligning with our highest self. It’s the invisible force that pulls us back into old patterns, limiting beliefs, and stories we’ve told ourselves for years. Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of success, or simply the comfort of the familiar, resistance blocks our path to growth.

But here’s the truth: Resistance isn’t here to stop us. It’s here to *teach* us.

By recognizing and releasing resistance, we open the door to remembering our true essence and reconnecting with what we came here to do.

Releasing Resistance: The First Step

The first step in releasing resistance is acknowledging it. Often, we try to push through, ignore, or suppress these feelings, but that only strengthens them. Instead, take a moment to identify what’s holding you back.

Ask yourself:

- What am I afraid of?

- What limiting beliefs are keeping me from moving forward?

- How does this resistance serve me, and what am I gaining by holding onto it?

Once you can see resistance for what it is—an outdated coping mechanism—you can begin to let go.

Remembering Who You Truly Are

In our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of who we are at our core. We get caught up in the roles we play, the expectations of others, and the demands of society. Over time, we forget our true nature and the unique gifts we carry within.

But deep down, we are powerful, limitless beings with a purpose far greater than the labels we wear.

To remember who you truly are, start by tuning in to your inner knowing. Take time to quiet the noise, whether through meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Connect with the part of you that knows the truth—your intuition, your soul, your higher self.


- What lights me up?

- When do I feel most authentic and alive?

- What have I always known deep down, but maybe forgot along the way?

The answers are already within you. You just have to listen.

What Did You Come Here to Do?

Each of us has a unique purpose, a mission we were born to fulfill. It might not always be clear, but it’s there. Sometimes, it’s buried under years of conditioning, societal pressure, or past experiences, but it never leaves us.

To discover or rediscover what you came here to do, look back on your life. Notice the patterns, the passions, and the recurring themes. What are you drawn to? What do people naturally come to you for? What do you feel called to create, teach, or experience?

Your purpose is often hidden in the things that make you feel most alive. It’s not something you need to search for outside of yourself—it’s something you allow yourself to *remember*.

Embrace Your Truth and Let Go

The moment you release resistance and reconnect with who you truly are, something magical happens. You start to align with your purpose. You stop playing small and begin to embrace your full potential.

But this process takes trust. Trust that the universe has a plan for you, that you are exactly where you need to be, and that everything you’ve experienced up to this point has prepared you for what’s next.

You came here to live fully, to grow, to evolve, and to share your unique light with the world. Releasing resistance is about letting go of anything that tells you otherwise.

Practical Steps for Letting Go of Resistance:

1. Recognize and Accept It: Notice when you’re feeling resistance. Accept that it’s part of your growth process rather than something to fight against.


2. Journal Through It: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, getting them out of your head and onto paper helps you see the patterns and blocks more clearly.

3. Breathe and Release: Practice deep breathing or breathwork to release physical and emotional tension. Often, our resistance shows up in the body, and releasing it physically can open up space mentally and emotionally.

4. Trust Your Inner Wisdom: Spend time in silence or meditation. Allow your higher self to guide you without overthinking or forcing solutions.

5. Take Inspired Action: Once you’ve released resistance, take action from a place of alignment. Trust the nudges from your intuition and move forward with faith.

You Are Here for a Reason

You are more than your doubts, your fears, or your past experiences. You are here for a reason, and that reason is uniquely yours. When you release resistance, remember who you truly are, and reconnect with your purpose, life opens up in ways you never thought possible.

So, take a deep breath. Trust the process. And remember—you are exactly where you are meant to be.

*Leigh Kubin, Master Certified Life Coach (MCLC) and Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner (CHT), is dedicated to helping individuals release resistance, step into their power, and live out their true purpose.*

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